NSSKA Keystone Ferry to Ebey Landing Paddle

Location: West side of Whidbey Island WA, weather conditions: sun breaks with showers, mid 50's temp and winds to12K with higher gusts.

Eight NSSKA paddlers launched at the Keystone Ferry landing and paddled north along the west side of Whidbey Island towards Ebey Landing. Significant tide rips guard the entrance to the ferry landing however our group expertly handled the noisy water both as we left and again when we made our way back. Along the way we saw many eagles, a group of porpoise, seals, sea birds and a very friendly red-winged blackbird that serenaded us while we enjoyed a lunch break.  Traveled approximately 8 nautical miles. 
Fun times were had by Karen, Julia, Bonnie, Beth, Laurie, Andy, Rob and Bill.


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