Advanced Leadership and Wilderness Camping
The students developed the paddle plan having been provided with minimal direction prior to meeting at Washington Park on June 16. We compared plans, agreed on the best one, loaded our boats and off we went. The first task which was new to several paddlers was a call to Seattle traffic to communicate our plan for crossing Rosario Strait. Once safely across Rosario the students were challenged with a change in plans and had to make a decision on where to camp for the first evening. They also had to solve an equipment failure on one of the kayaks while in the swirling waters in and around the Bird Rocks reserve. James Island was night one's destination. Once tents were set up we returned to our boats and paddled around James Island over to Decatur Head then back to camp. Sunny skies during the day gave way to a beautiful, mild evening. Miles paddled 11.2.
Day 2 arrived with a light rain and light breezes. Prior to launching a call to Seattle traffic was made. Just before we entered the shipping lane one of the instructor's was suddenly incapacitated by a mysterious ailment which required the attention of several of the students to resolve. They also had to manage the crossing with some paddlers paddling at a fast pace while others lagged behind. The group crossed Rosario then proceeded to our second nights camp site on Burrows Island. Again, tents were set up while being bombarded by blood thirsty mosquitoes and the melodic calls of a group of ravens who where camping out in the trees above our campsite. Back in our boats for a paddle around the island to the lighthouse. We toured the almost restored lighthouse and grounds before returning to our camp. Miles paddled 9.2.
Day 3 arrived with a light drizzle and minimal winds. After breaking camp we paddled back to Washington Park then drove to Deception Pass SP. Today's focus for the group will be leading a group in currents, rescues in currents, rolling in turbulent water, reading water, towing in currents and fun, fun, fun. We paddled from DP State Park along the coast line up to Canoe Pass then paddled around Pass Island down to Strawberry Island, then back to Canoe Pass for currents play. After an hour and a half in the Pass we then paddled to Deception Island and concluded our weekend back at the beach. An indepth review was held at the Skagit Brewery.
Miles paddled 10.1.
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