
Showing posts from December, 2018

Bowman Bay

Location: Deception Pass SP WA Weather conditions: strong winds, 5 and 6 ft westerly wind waves, gusting winds in the 25 kt range, overcast skies, temps in the mid 40s. Due to weather conditions the Guemes paddle was cancelled and the group moved to Bowman Bay SP to practice launching and landing in conditions, paddling is significant wind waves, clapotis and swell. The group got underway at 9:40 AM and we got off the water at 12:30 after a robust fun filled morning on the water. Everyone's skills and confidence greatly improved over the course of the morning. Thanks Julia, Mark and Steve for an awesome day on the water. Bill Porter

Stillaguamish River Delta

  Five paddlers took advantage of the mid-day high tide to explore the Stillaguamish River’s delta and surrounding estuary. They rode the flood tide north from Kayak Point, taking time to appreciate the diverse wildlife including abundant eagles, white swans, seals, kingfishers and more in this section of the amazing Pacific Flyway.   The currents allowed a trip up the main river channel (Hat Slough) to the bridge  on Marine Drive. There we stopped for lunch and enjoyed a brief bit of sunshine. Once underway we enjoyed a brisk 1.5 kt push back down the river taking the more scenic but slightly longer westerly route back in to Port Susan where we were met with a favorable wind and current that made an easy paddle back to Kayak Point. Thanks to Kevin A and Doug M for the great pictures .