
Showing posts from May, 2014

Paddling Weekend - Salt Creek Rec. Area

Seven NSSKA kayakers and one camper went to Salt Creek Recreation Area west of Port Angeles. We paddled the shoreline during a -1.1 foot tide, practiced launching, surfing, and landing in small surf, and explored the Elwha River from in Olympic National Park to the delta at its mouth. It was a wonderful weekend, and most of us feel more in control when launching and landing in the surf. Check out the pictures by   Bill Brackin here . More pics   here   and   here   by Carol Janssens

Lower Yakima River Paddle

Ten NSSKA Paddlers ran the lower 17 miles of the Tapteal Water Trail on the Lower Yakima River. It moved right along for most of it's length, and had wild roses, Yellow Flag Irises, and Greek Olive in bloom all along the way. The air was vary fragrant with all of the flowers in bloom. Bird life was abundant and included Great Egret, Red-Winged Blackbirds, hawks, songbirds, and Double-Crested Cormorants. A very nice paddle. We need to go back and do the upper 13 miles of the Tapteal Water Trail. Here’s some   pictures taken by Bill Brackin .

Hanford Reach Paddle

Nine NSSKA Paddlers ran the 27.7 miles of Hanford Reach on the Columbia River from just above Vernita Bridge to the WSFW boat ramp eight miles upstream from the Ringold Springs Fish Hatchery. This route goes though the very interesting Saddle Mountain National Wildlife Refuge and Hanford Reach National Monument. There were relics of the nuclear research center and lots of Mule Deer on the right, and spectacular white cliffs and erosion along with thousands of Cliff Swallows, White Pelicans, and Red-Winged Blackbirds on the left. The river was running high, so we averaged 6.8 miles per hour and hit a maximum speed of 11.5 miles per hour. There were lots of eddies, boils, and small whirlpools all along the way. The car shuttle was a little grueling, but we all want to do this one again. Some   great photos here   by Bill Brackin. More   great pics here   by Tim Hallmark.

Chuckanut Bay Paddle

Eight paddlers headed out on what was forecast to be a rainy Sunday to explore Chuckanut Bay south of Bellingham. To the delight of all, the forecast proved to be off a little, and the group meandered through gentle swells, admiring the geology and wildlife that is so striking in this area. A stop on Chuckanut Island for lunch, then north around the inner shore, exploring the coves and bays as they came up, it was a pokey, relaxed paddle that finished on placid waters, roofed with blue skies filled with bulging cumulus clouds, impotent but beautiful, with the San Juans beckoning to the west. A most excellent way to open a summer season of paddling on our Salish Sea, with many more opportunities to come! Pictures?  Oh yeah, we have   heaps of pictures here ! Thank you Harry marx and James Rose! Curious about the route we took?  Check out   Chuckanut Bay Paddle  route! (kmz file, requires Google Earth.)

Lake Roesiger Paddle

Six paddlers took on Lake Roesiger for some easy paddling and beginner practice.  We had the opportunity for an assisted rescue and taught some basic paddle strokes.  Good times were had by all! See a   few pictures here .

Silver Lake Sea Kayak Basics

We had a great turnout for Saturday’s Sea Kayaking Basics class.  There were plenty of boats for new paddlers to check out and test.  Thank you to all NSSKA members who showed up lending their equipment and time to make this a success! Check out these pics   by Harry Marx and Jim Haffner.