Hanford Reach Paddle
Nine NSSKA Paddlers ran the 27.7 miles of Hanford Reach on the Columbia River from just above Vernita Bridge to the WSFW boat ramp eight miles upstream from the Ringold Springs Fish Hatchery. This route goes though the very interesting Saddle Mountain National Wildlife Refuge and Hanford Reach National Monument. There were relics of the nuclear research center and lots of Mule Deer on the right, and spectacular white cliffs and erosion along with thousands of Cliff Swallows, White Pelicans, and Red-Winged Blackbirds on the left. The river was running high, so we averaged 6.8 miles per hour and hit a maximum speed of 11.5 miles per hour. There were lots of eddies, boils, and small whirlpools all along the way. The car shuttle was a little grueling, but we all want to do this one again.
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