
Showing posts from January, 2016

Lake Roesiger

Four kayakers paddled around Lake Roesiger. The lake was practically deserted - we saw no boats, only two humans and two dogs on shore, but lots of wildlife, including coots, buffleheads, a few cormorants, one bald eagle, and numerous assorted ducks. It was a perfect day for a winter paddle, overcast with a light breeze and no rain. Here is a typical quaint little beach cabin.

Christmas Bird Count

Three paddlers launched from the Restoration Project at sunrise on a very crisp winter day and paddled on a mild current up Union Slough to Otter Island. We explored Otter Island and returned to our put-ins via Steamboat Slough. Due to crossed signals, there was no Audubon birder on the Ebey Slough route, but one NSSKA paddler made it up Ebey Slough to Otter Island where he joined us. We all returned via Steamboat Slough. Thanks to Jay Haavik from Audubon, who led the Union Slough group and counted approximately twenty species of birds on the route. Click here   for pics by Harry Marx.