
Showing posts from 2016

Lake Goodwin Winter Paddle

Lake Goodwin & Lake Shoecraft, WA, date: December 17, 2016, weather conditions: light fluffy snow, temperature: mid 30's and a 3-5 mph breeze. Launched at Lake Goodwin Community park under snowy skies for a 6 1/2 mile paddle around lake's Goodwin and Shoecraft. We where accompanied by lot's of wintering birds, cormorants, geese, ducks and three eagles. Ice had formed on the most of the lakes bays, fun to do ice breaker duty with our kayaks. Winter paddling, no speed boats, water ski jet or oversized powerboats, just peace and quiet :-).

Lake Roesiger

Six paddlers toured Lake Roesiger on an overcast November day. The sun came out just as we were midway into the upper lake and gave us a full rainbow in the midst of a light shower. 

Deception Pass Paddle

What a day! Five  NSSKA paddlers braved the winds and currents of Deception Pass today. The currents were not too bad, but the wind... the wind! It was a difficult paddle returning to Bowman Bay. The wind was strong and the waves were big, but manageable. Pictures   by Bill Porter and James Rose

Marysville to Otter Island

Thirteen paddlers in twelve kayaks paddled seven miles from Marysville to Otter Island and back on a beautiful Spring day. The sun was shining, the water was calm, and it was an altogether beautiful day for a gentle paddle.

Seattle Ship Canal Paddle

Seven kayakers set out on March 12  on a blustery day, intending to paddle around Portage Bay and Lake Union. We got half way up Portage Bay when the wind blew up and we had to turn around. We pushed back into 15-20 mph winds, but beating against the wind and waves proved tiring and four paddlers aborted early. Consequently, we only made about 2.5 miles of our planned 10-mile paddle, but we all returned home safely and with renewed respect for Mother Nature in her wilder moods.

Holmes Harbor Paddle

Four kayakers launched from Freeland on February 20 and paddled the length of Holmes Harbor, around Baby Island, and back to Freeland. The wind came up as we approached Baby Island, and we began the return trip into a 10-12 knot wind and wind waves up to 12 inches, but as we approached the launch site the wind died down, the sun came out, and it turned into a beautiful winter day. We saw one eagle, about 20 seals behind Baby Island, and numerous goldeneyes and cormorants in the water.

Lake Goodwin Paddle

Four kayakers paddled around Lake Goodwin and Lake Shoecraft. It was overcast but there was only a light breeze and the water was calm. The stream that connects Goodwin to Shoecraft was running strong but turned out to be navigable both ways. After a little rescue practice, we adjourned to the Paddle Pub for lunch, refreshments, and conversation. 

Lake Roesiger

Four kayakers paddled around Lake Roesiger. The lake was practically deserted - we saw no boats, only two humans and two dogs on shore, but lots of wildlife, including coots, buffleheads, a few cormorants, one bald eagle, and numerous assorted ducks. It was a perfect day for a winter paddle, overcast with a light breeze and no rain. Here is a typical quaint little beach cabin.

Christmas Bird Count

Three paddlers launched from the Restoration Project at sunrise on a very crisp winter day and paddled on a mild current up Union Slough to Otter Island. We explored Otter Island and returned to our put-ins via Steamboat Slough. Due to crossed signals, there was no Audubon birder on the Ebey Slough route, but one NSSKA paddler made it up Ebey Slough to Otter Island where he joined us. We all returned via Steamboat Slough. Thanks to Jay Haavik from Audubon, who led the Union Slough group and counted approximately twenty species of birds on the route. Click here   for pics by Harry Marx.