
Showing posts from 2012

Lake Stevens Paddle

Good times paddling Lake Stevens with Don Erickson. We stopped for coffee at a club member's boathouse, then a brief break at Lundeen Park. Wind, chop, rain, sun, we saw it all, even a short lived rainbow. We saw plenty of ducks, including a flock that seemed to stay just ahead of us for the entire circumnavigation of the lake.  Great winter paddle, worth doing again. 

Snohomish River Delta

Lucky number 13 kayakers launched from Ebey Waterfront Park and paddled out to Jetty Island. We checked out the barge reef before heading to Jetty Island for a lunch break. The weather was typical Seattle; sunny warm and calm sea's. What could be better? Some    pictures perhaps ?

Annual Tri Club Picnic

What can I say? Every year for the last umpteen years the kayaking fanatics from Whatcom Association of Kayak Enthusiasts, Hole-in-the-Wall Paddling Club, and our very own North Sound Sea Kayaking Association get together for a little well play time.  We had 28 kayakers go and play in the Ebb current of Deception Passes Canoe Pass. Lots of pictures and lots of fun. There was a group that went out to Bizz Point and another that paddled around Strawberry Island. After the amazing pot luck and the raffle several folks suited back up and went to practice their kayaking skills. Rolls, bracing, edging and other fun stuff. You might say that we just couldn't get enough. Tim's Pic's James Rose's pic's

Sucia Island

How's this for a little    Northwest scenery ! Our NSSKA trip took us out to some amazing places. Thanks everyone for a great trip! OK. A little    taste . Here's what 11 club members had to look at upon waking this morning. And then paddling out into it. Great - paddle, weather, water, camp, food, drink, planning, company. Thanks so much to Bill B and all that great company! Bill H 's pic's   Bill B 's pic's 

La Conner to Goat Island

Five paddlers launched from the Rainbow Bridge in La Conner, followed the Swinomish Channel to Goat Island, where we had lunch at the World War I artillery emplacements. We then rounded Goat Island and returned at a leisurely pace through Skagit Bay and the fish hole to La Conner.

Silver Lake training session and BBQ

We had another great turn out for this years lake session followed by an awesome BBQ hosted by Tim and Sandy. Thanks Guys.